Process to Resitting IELTS Test – IELTS is a global exam for both native and non-native speakers of English to validate their English reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities. There are 2 types of IELTS- academic and general, depending on what to do in life. If you are looking for admission for your higher education abroad, you will have to choose IELTS academic, and if your goal is to migrate to a country abroad, then the IELTS general training test is the one you should be taking.
Resiting for the IELTS Test is allowed for both academic and general exams. Each of the tests has specific patterns and rules. Before you appear for the exams, you have to prepare well in advance. Even though retaking the IELTS Test is allowed any number of times, attempting IELTS without preparation is not a wise decision. So in this article we as as trustworthy institute for IELTS Coaching will help you in knowing What is the process to Resitting for IELTS Test or how you can retake IELTS Exam if you’re unsatisfied with your IELTS band results.
Organisations like the British Council and IDP is the official conducting body of the IELTS test which offers complete support. Also, we at Dolphin Head Hunters organise numerous IELTS training batches every year. Our classes are for people from different backgrounds- students, study abroad aspirants, working professionals, homemakers, etc. Once you enrol with our institute, you’ll receive authentic study materials and dedicated coaching from our certified English Language trainers.
We ensure that all test-takers qualify for IELTS, with a band of 8 and above. However, not everyone clears IELTS on the very first attempt. So an immediate question arises- Is it possible to retake Ielts and if yes, how can you do that? We’ll answer these ones by one. So let’s start with our topic to eallborate what is process to Resitting IELTS Test for Retaking the IELTS Exam.
Can you Retake the IELTS Exam for any one section?
No, that’s not possible as giving the IELTS Retake Test just for one module isn’t allowed. When you Resit for IELTS Tests, you must take up all 4 sections. The IELTS exam consists of 4 modules, and no exam centre will allow you to take just one module alone.
Is it possible to Retake the exam for the Second Time even after scoring well the first time?
You can resit for the exam any number of times. If you are not satisfied with your IELTS results in the first time, then you can opt for the exam further. Oftentimes, students who score below 6 go for the third attempt. But if you score 6 and above, there’s no reason why you should be retaking the test. This is because many countries, such as Canada, accept that score for admission or entry. Unless you are very particular about getting a specific score ( higher than 6), you shouldn’t worry about the IELTS.
Can we Resit the Test after a Long Break?
It is the most often asked question how soon can we retake the IELTS Test again? Or What should be our IELTS Retake Period? The answer to this is simple- once you feel you’re ready. Most of the test-takers are advised to give themselves 4 months time before retaking the test. However, if a test-taker wants to take a long break, say 6 months, it’s absolutely fine to do so. You must remember that you’ll have to put more effort compared to what you did earlier if your first-time IELTS scores are not satisfactory. Also, the university you apply at for admissions will not be informed about your break and it will not affect your test either.
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Is there any restriction in Retaking the IELTS Exam- What is the Official Policy?
There are “no limits to the number of times IELTS can be retaken”. You can resit for the IELTS exam as soon as you feel you are prepared for it. Once you have evaluated yourself and understood the strategy that you must follow, you should be ready to retake the exam. The exam happens every year, and 4 times a month. Thus, if any student wishes to postpone the IELTS exam, they need to contact the test organisers at IDP.
What is the Ideal Time Required for Retaking the Exam?
The ideal time for IELTS preparation is considered to be 8 weeks. However, it’s possible to [prepare for the exam in 15 days. It remains the same for Retaking the IELTS as well. At Dolphin Head Hunters, we have mentored students for IELTS and prepared them within a short time. We have seen test-takers who came in at the last minute and scored a band of 6 and above. We have also seen students who came in 2 months earlier and managed to score high on the test.
What Criteria are required for Resitting for the IELTS Exam?
IELTS tests are offered by popular institutions like the British Council and IDP in many countries. Dolphin Head Hunters is another IELTS centre where you can sign up for coaching and exams. To apply for the retake, you must log in on and register yourself. One of the IELTS advisors will get back to you and guide you on the next steps.
How can we Prepare for the exam Before Resitting for IELTS Test?
As mentioned earlier, each time you take the test, you’ll find a different pattern and an entirely different set of questions. So it’s important to prepare for the very new IELTS exam but in a different way. There are 2 ways of preparing for the IELTS Retake Test- either self-study or professional coaching. Self-preparation for IELTS isn’t easy since it requires a lot of discipline and planning. Self-studying leads to a waste of time and effort.
You also need to have access to high-quality study material when you self-prepare. May these are the reasons why you couldn’t score good IELTS marks on the first attempt. Professional coaching is a must-try for those who are short on time and, particularly, want to score high in IELTS at least on their second attempt. While preparing whether through offline or online coaching from any professional institute, you must check for the following:
- Do you get access to authentic study materials?
- How is the coaching institute going to help you prepare?
- What’s the outcome of the training?
- Is your training fee within your budget?
- Are your trainers certified and professional mentors?
Strategies to Follow for your IELTS Retake Test
Practice is key for any exam. For IELTS, in particular, the more you practise, the more confident you become. Remember that each time you attempt to take that test, the questions will change. Apart from giving yourself additional time, you should also be ready mentally for your next IELTS exam. Some of the strategies curated by our in-house IELTS experts for IELTS retaking are as follows:
Once you know that you didn’t qualify for the IELTS on your first attempt, stop right there and take a break. Taking a break after your first IELTS exam may help you be more cautious and aware. Once you get a score, which is not what you expected, you must reflect on your test-taking strategy. Revising your strategy will help you understand what went wrong in the initial attempt.
Reorganize yourself
Re-focus on the exam. Plan with a strong goal the next time you attempt the test. The important thing to understand here is that IELTS patterns are simple yet tricky. Since there is no one perfect answer to the IELTS questions, you must think about how to give your best.
Identify Errors
Identify what went wrong in the last test. Was it the way you answered each of the sections or was it a lack of time to prepare? Understanding what our flaws are is most important. It goes a long way to save ourselves from any disappointment and embarrassment further.
Take the help of mentors and people who you think can give you tips on IELTS. Professional coaching is always great because you get to practise a lot of mocks. IELTS training centres like Dolphin Head Hunters can help you plan and study for your next IELTS. The expertise of professional mentors at our institute has immensely helped our test-takers over the last 24 years.
Practice Frequently
Practice online, practice from books, and practise with your teachers and friends. The more you practise, the better you become. The common IELTS books that are available in the market have plenty of practice materials.
Why do we Care? – Dolphin Head Hunters
We hope this article on “What is the Process to ReSitting for IELTS Test | Retake of IELTS Test” has helped you with the answer. We Dolphin Head Hunters have established itself as the best IELTS Institute. With a team of highly experienced, certified, and professional IELTS Trainers, we are known for providing the best coaching in Chandigarh.
We help our students to achieve their desired IELTS bands and help our students to achieve their dreams. And the same can be observed from our track record and results. Over the years, we have produced 1000s of successful results, achieving higher and higher bands. F you want to unveil new beginnings and know more then call us at +91 9780754465 or drop an email at