How to Develop a Study Plan for IELTS Preparation

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How to Develop a Study Plan for IELTS Preparation

How to Develop a Study Plan for IELTS Preparation

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How to Develop a Study Plan for IELTS PreparationNumerous colleges, organizations, and legislative associations all over the planet perceive the International English Language Testing System(IELTS) scores to be dependable. IELTS is perceived by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) as an approved English language capability test for applying for a super durable home in Canada, as well as with respect to instructive purposes.

It is recognized by government offices, proficient associations, and movement specialists. Multiple million individuals step through the examination yearly. The test surveys an individual’s capacities in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Talking. Dolphin Head Hunters hopes to demonstrate in this article how a one-month study plan can help a test taker prepare effectively for the IELTS.

Developing A 6 Weeks Study Plan for IELTS Preparation

Preparation plays a key part when you are endeavouring the IELTS test. The more you set up, the better your score will be. You need a strategy to succeed because there are four modules to complete. See the accompanying focuses:

  • Foster different perusing methods which will make it more straightforward for you to go to the test. A day-to-day perusing propensity will go far. Commit no less than 15 minutes to reading and reading to comprehend. Through normal understanding practice, you can notice an expansion in your understanding endurance and perception which permits you to step through the examination within the specified time.
  • Start practising the Writing module by selecting a few topics. Consistent practice will assist you with spelling and language. Learning to write down your thoughts will be helpful, particularly for task 2 [Essay].
  • Watching English narratives and motion pictures can assist with your listening abilities. Undivided attention is essential for the test and requires extreme focus. As a result, if you want to improve your listening skills, you should regularly participate in activities like the ones listed above. If you don’t have a Netflix membership, you could consider getting one!
  • The talking module expects you to utilize subject-suitable jargon which you can work on through normal practice. Guarantee you have a discussion with a companion or a partner consistently for no less than 5-10 minutes. An attentive person is likewise a decent speaker.

How to Develop a Study Plan for IELTS Preparation

Week 1: Create Effective Study Habits

Before you start your arrangement process, it’s vital to find out more about the IELTS test design. To develop successful study habits, follow these steps once you know how the test will look.

  • Record your objective score and what English language abilities you want to move along.
  • Investigate the following five weeks of our review plan and pick the arrangement materials that will help you most.
  • Audit your arrangement every week. Add additional choices or change what you’re examining if essential.
  • Make a review plan that suits your everyday daily schedule. Consider the time you spend studying like a crucial appointment you wouldn’t want to miss.
  • Pick a tranquil spot to study where you will not be upset. Think about changing your telephone to quiet mode.
  • Remain spurred by utilizing a portion of these powerful review methodologies to ensure you stay focused:
  • Share your review plans with a companion or relative for responsibility.
  • Request that an educator give you input on your composition or talking.
  • Reward yourself after each study meeting to commend your advancement.

Week 2: Lift Your Listening

The primary area you do in IELTS is listening – which is the reason we’ve placed it first on the review plan. Browse three unique choices to fill your IELTS study hour this week.

Choice 1: Free Practice Questions.

Need to find out about what sort of inquiries you’ll find in the listening test? With these free practice sample questions, complete multiple-choice, form completion, and other common IELTS listening questions while listening to monologues and conversations.

Choice 2: Improve Your English Score

Tips to Improve Your IELTS Listening Score, don’t miss this free, one-hour masterclass with IELTS expert Rocco Nigro, in which he shares his best advice and plenty of examples to help you improve your listening score. The video also discusses techniques for the IELTS Reading section as an added bonus.

Choice 3: Listen to Podcasts for Practice.

Looking for a less formal way to prepare for this week’s IELTS listening test? Paying attention to digital broadcasts can assist you with becoming accustomed to the various accents you could hear in your test.

Week 3: Get Reading-ready

Planning for this segment of the test includes something other than reading. The current week’s choices will assist you with creating understanding abilities and systems and developing your jargon.

Choice 1: Free Example Questions

Attempting test arrangement questions can assist you with figuring out what reading abilities you want to get to the next level.

Choice 3: Learn to Read

What is the most effective time management strategy for the Reading test? This article offers heaps of methods for further developing your understanding pace and finding data rapidly.

Choice 3: Read the News in English

While you’re planning for IELTS, it’s vital to extend your jargon so you can grasp various kinds of texts. Making it known English gives current reports in seven different English levels with free jargon activities to go with them.

Week 4: Boost Your Composition

Further developing your composing abilities for IELTS takes time, yet finding the right assets doesn’t need to. The current week’s choices cover a combination of composing abilities as well as ways of including English composing practice into your everyday schedule.

Choice 1: Work on Composing Themes

Find out about the composing questions you could get on test day by downloading our free Intellectual and General composing questions.

Choice 2: Further develop Your Composing Band Score

Might it be said that you are going for the gold 7 or 8 Recorded as a hard copy? The two recordings underneath make you through a step-by-step concentration plan to assist you with arriving at your ideal score.

Choice 3: Maintain a Daily Journal

Maintaining a daily journal is a good way to boost your confidence and writing abilities. Begin a diary in English and expound on your viewpoints and encounters for ten minutes consistently.

Week 5: Advance Your Talking

Further developing your IELTS talking abilities requires a reasonable report plan with customary practice. The current week’s choices offer three different review methodologies to assist you with your certainty and talking skills.

Choice 1: IELTS Speaking Practice Subjects

Further, develop your IELTS talking abilities by investigating the sorts of inquiries you could get on test day. Add these normal IELTS talking inquiries to your review plan and practice with companions to remain inspired.

Choice 2: Work on Your Speaking Score

This one-hour video class takes you through the talking test organization and appraisal standards with instances of two-way conversations that got Groups 6, 7 and 8.

Choice 3: Record Yourself

Discuss an alternate point for five minutes consistently. Record yourself on your telephone and pay attention to the recording a while later. This permits you to recognize regions for development in elocution, familiarity, jargon and language structure.

Week 6: Modification and Certainty

Congrats on coming to Week 6! This week is tied in with developing your IELTS certainty by recognizing any holes you could have in your abilities and information.

Choice 1: Free Mock Tests

Work on dealing with your time actually by stepping through a web-based mock exam under test conditions. Break down your outcomes to recognize your shortcomings so you know what to zero in on until the end of the IELTS concentrate on time.

Choice 2: Grasping IELTS Scores

Learn about how IELTS is scored. Find the band score you want by looking at the writing and speaking band descriptors. Distinguish the regions you want to improve and make opportunities to chip away at these.


Better planning will result from good scheduling. Focus, dedication, and diligent effort are the three attributes needed to succeed on the IELTS exam. Come and Join Dolphin Head Hunters to schedule your IELTS Study preparation. We will guide you and help you achieve great score and accomplish your studying abroad.

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